Big Bang to end 2018 Season
After a successful tournament pulling a 35th place finish at the Arkansas River in Oklahoma I kept the ball rolling with another top 40...

Moving to Live With the Bass
Well, Things have been a bit hectic. In December we moved from Montana to Franklin, Tennessee. You might ask "why Tennessee?" and the...

Staying Positive
As I write this post my 2017 season is 2/3 done. I have been on the road fishing since February and I am a bit tired. I have been on an...

Fort Gibson and Lake of The Ozarks
I just wrapped up the last of my tournaments for 2016. The first one being on Fort Gibson in Wagoner, OK. Then on to Lake of the Ozarks...

Kentucky Lake and more motor problems
I guess that high pitch whistling sound wasn't the wind hitting my Power Poles funny! After a great practice and successful first day on...

25th place after day one on Grand Lake O The Cherokees!
Grand Lake of The Cherokees, Grove Oklahoma. This tournament was one of my first where I felt as though I was really on big fish the...

Learning about Mental Toughness in Tournament Fishing
Got crushed on Lake Dardanelle. Had my gear case in my lower unit go out in practice and had to wait for the Mercury Tournament Support...

Chris' baby steps at the FLW Costa Southwestern #1 Sam Rayburn Reservoir, Jasper TX
Nothing in tournament fishing has ever come super easy for me! That is ok. When I started I always figured luck could play a huge role...

Nobody would ever believe how much work fishing for a living really is!
Many people would never believe how much work it is to fish full time for a living. Yes there are the glorious (and many more not so...

Table Rock and my last tournament of the season
I arrived at Table Rock Lake in Branson, Missouri on the 21st of September. Right down the hill from the house we rented was a private...